What is Pandemic Playhouse Entertainment?

Pandemic Playhouse Entertainment (PPE) brings high-quality live performances of theatrical classics from a number of eras to your home via Vimeo, an excellent online viewing platform. PPE was partly inspired by the television shows Playhouse 90Philco Playhouse, and Masterpiece Playhouse from the late 1950s/early 1960s — all of which brought great scripts to life on a Hollywood sound stage, and then aired them for audiences across the nation. We have brought fully-rehearsed plays to life on the Main Stage of our F.M. Kirby Shakespeare Theatre, and are now making them available for you to view on any of your personal screens — your computer, your phone, iPad, or even your television screen. This retro idea, with the modern twist of offering the plays online, allows our audience to view delightful and provocative theatrical offerings at their convenience!


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Click here to learn more about School offerings.

To book a group of 25 or more, please contact the Box Office at (973) 408-5600 or via email at BoxOffice@ShakespeareNJ.org.

Pandemic Playhouse Available Productions:

Short Shakespeare: ROMEO AND JULIET

By William Shakespeare

Directed by AC Horton

Never was there a story of more woe! Immerse yourself in one of Shakespeare's most renowned tragedies and find out just how powerful the forces of love and hate truly are.

Running 75 minutes.

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Deja Adeniyi

Jabari Carter

Dino Curia

Keith Hale

Ty Lane

Carolyne Leys

Brianna Martinez

Cameron Nalley

Eliana Rowe

Jack Steiner


AC Horton, Director

Steven L. Beckel, Light Design

AC Horton, Sound Design

Sarah Beth Hall, Scenic Design

Bonnie J. Monte, Costume Design

Short Shakespeare: JULIUS CAESAR

By William Shakespeare

Directed by AC Horton

Get a close-up view of one of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies. Be transported to the Capitol of Rome, where loyalty, honor, and the fate of a nation are tested in Shakespeare's gripping drama!

Running 75 minutes.

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Jeffrey Marc Alkins

Dino Curia

Christian Frost

Ellie Gossage

Keith Hale

Isaac Hickox-Young

Skye Pagon

Billie Wyatt

Katja Yacker


AC Horton, Director

AC Horton, Sound Design

Steven L. Beckel & Brian B. Crowe, Scenic Design

Rai Moore, Costume Design


By William Shakespeare

Directed by Brian B. Crowe

Get a close-up view of Shakespeare's most popular comedy. Be transported to the woods outside Athens, where you'll feel like you're right there along with the Lovers, Mechanicals, and Fairies!

Running 75 minutes.

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Jeffrey Marc Alkins

Dino Curia

Christian Frost

Ellie Gossage

Keith Hale

Isaac Hickox-Young

Skye Pagon

Billie Wyatt

Katja Yacker


Brian B. Crowe, Director

Steven L. Beckel, Sound Design

Meri Lawson, Scenic Design

Natalie Loveland, Costume Design


This bundle pack includes three witty and delightful comedies by George Bernard Shaw in one full-length two-hour video.

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The Shows

PandemicPlayhouse_Brunkus_68.jpg - SpotlightPASSION, POISON & PETRIFACTION or THE FATAL GAZOGENE

By George Bernard Shaw

Directed by Bonnie J. Monte

Passion, Poison & Petrifaction or The Fatal Gazogene is Shaw's utterly nonsensical, outrageous face that pokes fun at Victorian melodramas and Penny Dreadful's. Replete with slapstick, a psychic maid, a chorus of singing angels, a threatening thunderstorm, and a total lack of anything remotely resembling reality, this whimsical little piece provides 20 minutes of total escape! The colorful cast of seven throws themselves into the style and the outrageousness with full passion!

Overruled_Square.jpg - SpotlightOVERRULED

By George Bernard Shaw

Directed by Bonnie J. Monte

Overruled is Shaw's deliciously witty and irreverent exploration of marital fidelity or more accurately, infidelity, or even more accurately, attempted infidelity of a certain sort! This stylish, fast-paced discourse about men, women, and the allure of marital misbehaving is guided, as Shaw's plays often are, by the female half of the equation, and it's all capped off with a bit of odd courtroom-esque banter. This four-character comedy runs approximately 42 minutes.

PandemicPlayhouse_Brunkus_213.JPG - SpotlightVILLAGE WOOING

By George Bernard Shaw

Directed by Bonnie J. Monte

Shaw's Village Wooing, perhaps the best known of this trio of one-acts, takes place over the course of three separate conversations spanning almost a year's time. Featuring just two actors (and a waiter who makes a brief appearance in the first conversation), this droll romantic comedy has tinges of Pride and Prejudice all over it! It's as though Shaw, in his mellower, later years, channeled Jane Austen and created a romance colored by his own peculiar notions and his love/hate obsession with women (in this case, more love than hate!). The tale which begins on a luxury ocean liner, taking the man, simply called A, and the woman, simply called Z, around the world before they find each other again in a small, country village, in an even smaller country shop. Village Wooing comes in at just under an hour.


Jeffrey Marc Alkins

Dino Curia

Christian Frost

Ellie Gossage

Isaac Hickox-Young

Skye Pagon

Emily Michelle Walton

Billie Wyatt

Katja Yacker

SHAW! SHAW! SHAW! Artistic Team

Bonnie J. Monte, Costume, Set, and Sound Design

Steven L. Beckel, Lighting Design

AC Horton, Assistant to the Director

Alisa Korunow, Wardrobe Mistress

Steven L. Beckel, Production Manager

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q - Can I watch these productions on my television?

A - Yes you can! The simplest computer-to-TV connection consists of running an HDMI cable from your computer to the HDMI input on your TV. Please reference your TV manual for specifics about how to connect your computer to your TV. Here are some resources that may also be helpful:

If you have a cast-compatible device on the same Wi-Fi network on which you have accessed the viewing page, a cast icon will appear on your viewing page as soon as the steam is activated. Casting enables viewers to send the material they wish to view to their Roku, Apple TV, or any other Smart TV or Smart TV-enabled device. The Shakespeare Theatre does not provide technical support for issues that may arise from casting. If you are experiencing an issue with casting, we recommend that you return to watching the stream on the native device.

For more information on how to purchase or access a production, please contact the Box Office at BoxOffice@ShakespeareNJ.org or call (973) 408-5600.